I had proposed a 1 side deal with Andrew in PM that I wouldn't come after him if he kept me. He never replied back to me so I'm assuming he declined the deal. I do think Talla and Rory are the ones who voted me out. Rory is a dumbass, if he kept me... then for what reason was he pretty much telling me he was voting me out. It doesn't matter too much because I'm going after both Rory and Andrew in addition to Talla and Liza.
I finally got confirmation of the Dixie/Krystal/myself alliance. It was always an alliance but never really 'confirmed'. This round I would like to bring Estelle into the mix to make it a Final 4 deal.
This leaves Liza, Rory, Andrew, Talla who are my enemies in that order.
Then there's AJ.... who I have some connection with but he's just in the middle for me.
For HOH, we have Rory, Andrew, Talla who would all put me up. I would need 4/6 available votes as I wouldn't stay in a tie. I would need to be nominated against an enemy of mine to for sure stay in the game by votes. Talla isn't going to win, that leaves Rory and Andrew. I can either try to win HOH, or I can play the strategy/social game and make a deal with Rory/Andrew to keep each other safe this week.
I like the 2nd option, right now people think I'm either average or not very good at challenges. I'd like to keep this up for a few more rounds if I can. I'll take my chances of striking a deal with the enemies and hoping someone in my alliance wins HOH.
that was a hard HOH, the only way I had a chance of winning that was if I passed on each question and won by having everyone else get questions wrong.
I sent a proposal to Rory on keeping each other safe if we were to win HOH. I need to some how strike a deal with Andrew now, but not making it look like I'm going around doing this with everyone. Possibly straight up telling both Rory and Andrew I made this deal with both of them will work.
Andrew (8:43:21 PM): so, anyways I was quite glad you messaged me today Andrew (8:43:41 PM): cuz I kinda feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I dont want that to continue Ryan (8:46:17 PM): agreed Ryan (8:46:25 PM): did you read the pm's I sent? Ryan (8:47:14 PM): I'm def up for keeping each other safe. Andrew (8:47:18 PM): yeah I did, sorry I took ssome time to respond Andrew (8:47:24 PM): awesome, I would like that a lot Ryan (8:47:52 PM): I did have a secret alliance with Suzette that I made with her the round we kept each other ( 2 rounds ago) and I had beef with her. Maybe we can work the same deal out or something simliar Andrew (8:47:55 PM): cuz I think people are counting on me targeting you and exploiting our initial argument to make sure that happens Ryan (8:48:07 PM): ya that could def happen Andrew (8:48:47 PM): ok cool well I am def down for keeping you safe Andrew (8:49:20 PM): I think it benefts both of us, and I think that people wouldn't really expect it which works in our favour Ryan (8:49:48 PM): and if you need to you can always say you're considering on putting me up as a replacement Andrew (8:50:33 PM): true Andrew (8:50:59 PM): prolly would be a good idea if that is the case to give you your key last Andrew (8:53:38 PM): so I am thinking of making a pretty big move this week Ryan (8:56:50 PM): kk Ryan (8:56:52 PM): oh boy Ryan (8:57:08 PM): involving 1 player? Andrew (8:57:35 PM): yeah Andrew (8:57:51 PM): I am thinking of trying to evict AJ this week Andrew (8:58:38 PM): I think he's kinda slid by through the early weeks, but that he is very persuasive and is able to flip a vote if he needs to Andrew (8:58:55 PM): cuz he can be very pushy with people and kinda strongarms them Ryan (8:59:06 PM): Ryan (8:59:17 PM): kind of like an Amanda bb15 style Ryan (8:59:23 PM): he is in a good spot right now Andrew (8:59:41 PM): yeah he told me this week that I should go after floaters Andrew (8:59:49 PM): which to me makes me think he is in good with all the power players Ryan (9:00:46 PM): yeah def, if he doesn't mention anyone else then thats prob the case
He's going after AJ
AHhhhaHAHhahaHAHahjasdkfja;skldfj:AHHAHAHAHAHhah LMAO! Some might even say LOLZ ashfahhas
"AJ" (11:00:39 PM): I'm going to see if Andrew might entertain not putting you up, but if he gets too dead set on it, understand I can't get too pushy because he could tell me to fuck off and put me up next to you if he so decided MFlounderin (11:01:25 PM): yeah I understand, whatever happens.. its all good MFlounderin (11:01:27 PM): "AJ" (11:01:49 PM): thanks man, goodnight
Rory (9:50:12 PM): please pick F9 lol Ryan (9:50:59 PM): cant sorry Rory (9:51:55 PM): ? I thought we were good man, I doubt you'd be the replacement nominee. Ryan (9:52:22 PM): I'm nervous I could be, I have to try to win Rory (9:52:51 PM): OK Rory (9:53:32 PM): You were completely hidden though. Andrew had 2 sqaures wide open. Rory (9:54:31 PM): And estelle was in for the kill as well Ryan (9:58:37 PM): see why I couldn't go there? Rory (9:59:06 PM): ? Not really, this has been confusing haha Ryan (9:59:20 PM): estelle and I are on the same spot Rory (9:59:39 PM): Ahh, OK, I understand, sorry. Ryan (10:01:58 PM): ya Ryan (10:02:00 PM): sorry Rory (10:02:32 PM): Its OK. I hope you'd be willing to take me off if you win, I feel like we're close in the game, but I understand if you keep them the same. Rory (10:24:05 PM): Congrats on the win Ryan (10:25:26 PM): thanks
Flash back to you giving me bullshit and not telling me your'e keeping me.
Ryan (10:34:44 PM): what's your thoughts? Ryan (10:34:46 PM): keep same? Andrew (10:35:48 PM): ummm, if I had won I prolly would have but I dont want you to feel like I am gonna force your hand or anything Ryan (10:36:23 PM): thats what I thought, I didn't know if you had votes to get AJ out or not Andrew (10:37:07 PM): ummmm, I have had people tell me that they will vote that way, but I also know that people have lied to me about votes in the past (though not these exact people) Andrew (10:37:26 PM): Dixie/Krys/you all said you'd be willing to do it and 3 is enough with my tie break Andrew (10:38:10 PM): I think Talla probably would too but I havent directly checked with her Ryan (10:41:41 PM): so that's 3 Ryan (10:41:56 PM): but yeah its tough to say if everyone truly intends to do that Andrew (10:44:59 PM): Yeah 3 is certainly not enough numbers to feel solid about anything Ryan (10:54:34 PM): so currently, most people think we are still at each other Ryan (10:54:45 PM): I've been putting on the act that I've been scared of a backdoor Andrew (10:58:22 PM): I think its a good plan to continue doing that Andrew (10:58:42 PM): I am telling people that I have absolutely no clue what you will do Andrew (10:58:59 PM): which, I guess is actually kinda true but it implies we areent willing to discuss it with eachother Ryan (10:59:10 PM): y Ryan (10:59:10 PM): a Ryan (10:59:12 PM): ya* Ryan (11:00:19 PM): so we're going to need something more going into the final 8 Andrew (11:00:50 PM): I absolutely agree Andrew (11:01:00 PM): I am feeling very exposed right now Ryan (11:01:10 PM): i'm just kinda confused where all the relationships are at... AJ/Liza Krystal/Dixie ? Ryan (11:01:18 PM): no idea about Rory Ryan (11:01:27 PM): or Talla Andrew (11:01:56 PM): well, I currently feel like a bit of a fish out of water Andrew (11:02:07 PM): I was close to Suzette before she was evicted :X Andrew (11:02:40 PM): I think that AJ/Liza are together. I think Rory is floating and trying to figure out which way to go Andrew (11:03:23 PM): btw man, I hope it isnt a problem I voted to keep Suzette last week. I really liked her kinda crazy personality Ryan (11:03:35 PM): thats fine lol Andrew (11:04:03 PM): k cool Andrew (11:04:05 PM): I appreciate that Ryan (11:04:09 PM): so here are a few things I'm thinking Ryan (11:05:04 PM): if we bring another person in, totally mind f everyone in the game. such an oddball group. Ryan (11:05:12 PM): we could control the votes this round as well Andrew (11:05:43 PM): we would need 2 people to control the votes this round Andrew (11:05:48 PM): cuz I cant vote Andrew (11:05:52 PM): unless of tiebreaking Ryan (11:06:01 PM): but the thing would be if we split up AJ/Liza, the bigger threat is Liza. but I'm still willing to get out AJ if you want. Andrew (11:07:06 PM): true, I do see that Liza is the bigger threat of the two of them Andrew (11:07:43 PM): on a non-strategic level I would feel shitty about it because she hasnt really done anything to me in this game Andrew (11:07:49 PM): but I do see the benefit Andrew (11:07:55 PM): shes a comp beast Ryan (11:08:05 PM): right Ryan (11:09:37 PM): we could use veto/nom Liza against AJ and then decide. I'm comitted to working with you to the end, and I'll vote with what you want. If we want AJ out, it could secure the identity by using the veto and possibly pinning me/rory as a pair Ryan (11:10:31 PM): and we can bring in another, which would be 3/8 Andrew (11:11:11 PM): hmmm, what if I were to fake being pissed at you after you use veto? Andrew (11:11:42 PM): like you use it. I act totally surprised Ryan (11:11:53 PM): yeah Andrew (11:11:58 PM): Im just thinking I think we could kinda get a Ali/Jun thing going here Ryan (11:11:59 PM): that would be good Ryan (11:12:06 PM): Ryan (11:12:23 PM): what are your thoughts on bringing in Estelle? Andrew (11:13:26 PM): ummmm, well, I DO like Estelle Ryan (11:13:30 PM): so combination of me using veto and saving Rory.. People will think me/rory are together, and it would hide me/estelle/you actually working together. If people target me, they'll put Rory up against me Andrew (11:13:34 PM): but, I think her and AJ are friends? Andrew (11:13:52 PM): do you think she would be willing to do it? Ryan (11:13:58 PM): she mentioned she was prob going to vote rory out Ryan (11:14:16 PM): but if its AJ/Liza... we have the votes to get AJ out without her right? Ryan (11:14:23 PM): we could do that, to ensure she stays with us? Andrew (11:14:46 PM): k heres the main thing Andrew (11:14:50 PM): I want either a plan Andrew (11:14:56 PM): that involves evicting AJ without nomming Liza Andrew (11:14:59 PM): or nomming and evicting Liza Andrew (11:15:16 PM): but I dont want to nom her and have her stay and win the next hoh Andrew (11:15:27 PM): I think she would nominate me and you in that case Ryan (11:15:39 PM): you dont think she'd put me up against Rory? Andrew (11:15:48 PM): not if I nominate her Ryan (11:15:56 PM): hmm Andrew (11:16:04 PM): especially since I just got out her f2 most likely Andrew (11:16:08 PM): in that scenario Ryan (11:16:27 PM): which do you want? Ryan (11:16:37 PM): so it's keep noms same, or backdoor liza? Andrew (11:16:42 PM): truth be told I could go either way Andrew (11:17:26 PM): I think probably backdooring Liza is the better play, I just feel like an asshole is all :/. But I shouldnt let that dictate my strategy Ryan (11:17:44 PM): ya Ryan (11:18:10 PM): its such a cruel game haha Ryan (11:18:38 PM): you good w/ Estelle coming in for a 3 either way we go with the veto? Andrew (11:19:01 PM): yeah that would work for me Andrew (11:19:14 PM): she is a smart girl, I think she could keep it low key Ryan (11:23:49 PM): awesome
Ryan (10:28:24 PM): what are your thoughts for this round? Estelle (10:32:55 PM): Hmmm Estelle (10:32:58 PM): Im not even sure lol Estelle (10:33:07 PM): I was just happy you (and I) didnt go up Estelle (10:33:19 PM): But now with veto we could have some thinking to do Ryan (10:33:34 PM): you feel your safe if veto was used? Estelle (10:33:50 PM): But now with veto we could have some thinking to do (idk if this sent) Ryan (10:33:58 PM): ya Ryan (10:34:00 PM): I saw it Estelle (10:34:15 PM): I think I would be originally, idk how close he thinks we are though he may wanna put up someone you're close to if you use POV without him being ok with it Ryan (10:37:00 PM): how close you 2 are? Ryan (10:37:02 PM): or me/ you? Estelle (10:37:28 PM): me and you Estelle (10:37:33 PM): Like if you use pov with him not wanting you to Estelle (10:37:38 PM): What if he wants to put up someone you're close to? Ryan (10:38:27 PM): ya that's true Ryan (10:39:34 PM): any idea who the 2nd vote was to get me out last rought? Ryan (10:39:37 PM): Talla and ____ Estelle (10:42:40 PM): Not positive really I didn't talk to many people I just said I was keeping you and didn't care what others said otherwise Estelle (10:42:41 PM): hahaha Ryan (10:42:50 PM): nice haha Ryan (10:47:58 PM): my thoughts are Ryan (10:48:05 PM): it would be sweet to get Liza out Ryan (10:48:22 PM): out of AJ/Rory who you think would go? Estelle (10:49:10 PM): I'm not even sure, I think it could go either way. I'd probably want to personally vote out Rory but I can definitely see the strategic advantage of voting out AJ while the opportunity is there. I know AJ and Liza are close so splitting them up could be beautiful Estelle (10:50:16 PM): We'd probably have to talk to Andrew about it too to see if he even would put up Liza Estelle (10:50:20 PM): But it would be a big move Estelle (10:50:23 PM): Definitely something to consider Ryan (10:52:32 PM): I think Andrew wants AJ out right now Ryan (10:52:49 PM): I'm somewhat confused on who Andrew is with then Ryan (10:53:02 PM): if AJ/Liza together... he put up AJ/Rorry Ryan (10:53:19 PM): that leaves talla Dixie/Krystal? Ryan (10:53:30 PM): he has to have some kind of backup or he wouldn't have done these weird noms Estelle (10:54:46 PM): I know, I was confused too. I thought AJ/Liza/Andrew were all together so I was really shocked by his nomination or that he was even considering AJ lol. Estelle (10:54:57 PM): I feel like Dixie and Krystal aren't around enough to get into a stable alliance too Ryan (10:55:29 PM): exactly Ryan (10:55:40 PM): so he's just trying to make a big move? Ryan (10:55:47 PM): Talla is kinda out there too randomly Estelle (10:56:42 PM): Lmao I forgot about Talla. Did you notice their font is the same? Ryan (10:56:52 PM): no Estelle (10:57:24 PM): I think so anyway. My AIM is weird. They're both like bold and blue right? Ryan (10:58:00 PM): andrew's is blue Ryan (10:58:02 PM): idk about talla Estelle (10:58:08 PM): I think hers is too Ryan (10:58:57 PM): they're lovers Estelle (10:59:09 PM): Lol I noticed that early on but didnt think of it much Ryan (11:02:14 PM): interested in forming something with Andrew? Estelle (11:02:59 PM): I'm all for it if you're down Estelle (11:03:02 PM): lol no one would see this coming Ryan (11:03:57 PM): no they wouldn't lol Estelle (11:07:40 PM): Is andrew down for it?? Ryan (11:10:38 PM): I'm Ryan (11:10:43 PM): trying to approach him about it Ryan (11:11:10 PM): thoughts on me using veto on rory, and Liza goes up.. then we can decide which to split up? At the same time, people will think rory/myself might have some sort of deal? Ryan (11:11:27 PM): Which can help disguise you/me and Andrew too. All 3 of us working together Estelle (11:11:38 PM): I like it. :X Estelle (11:11:47 PM): I was kinda wondering why he didn't just put AJ and Liza up to begin with. Estelle (11:11:55 PM): If Liza actually would go up I think it'd be ideal Ryan (11:14:44 PM): yes Ryan (11:14:55 PM): I think he's game for it Estelle (11:15:00 PM): Omggg Estelle (11:15:08 PM): Haha he better hope we get HOH next week then Ryan (11:16:59 PM): so it looks he's game for us 3 together Ryan (11:17:05 PM): but if he noms Liza, then he wants Liza to go Estelle (11:17:24 PM): That's fine by me I think she's probably stronger anyway lol Ryan (11:19:44 PM): he confirmed you me him together Estelle (11:19:48 PM): YES Estelle (11:19:48 PM): haha Ryan (11:19:50 PM): and I think he's now wanting to backdoor liza Estelle (11:20:01 PM): I just mentioned it to me too Estelle (11:20:18 PM): He said he'd feel like an ass but it's prob best lol Ryan (11:23:41 PM): sweet
How did I get Andrew to want to backdoor Liza? I can't even answer that myself.
The Dixie/Krystal/Ryan alliance is so random, it deserves to be demoted to the alliance of. "plan b" They're my backup plan, and I will go to them if I ever need votes.
The new alliance that was just created deserves such a bad ass alliance name, I through this one out prematurely this season but this consists of the real "darksiders" <----- such a badass name. (Andrew, Estelle, Ryan) The whole cast is going to have a huge mind fuck on this alliance. Andrew voted me out, I acted scared that I was going to be attempted at a backdoor again. I veto his nominations to save Rory. Everyone thinks I made a deal with Rory now. While all this is going on, we have the darksiders in the background about to control this game.
So now by backdooring Liza, I keep AJ happy by keeping him in the game. I keep Rory happy by vetoing him.... AND I GET THE BIGGEST THREAT TO MY GAME EVICTED.
This is all happening while throwing the HOH, THIS is why you get the HOH to do what the fuck you want to do instead of trying to win HOH. The veto holds so much more power than the HOH if played right. I have everyone in my corner coming into the Final 8 except Talla.
a few seconds ago QuoteMessage Options any thoughts of using veto? We could force Andrew to nominate Talla. I don't see who else he would put up. We can then guarantee a Canadian goes home!
^pm sent out to Krystal/Dixie... we have a pm chain going for awhile now. I have said in the past that I want to have an Aussy alliance so this idea of wanting to keep Rory and force a Canadian out shouldn't raise any red flags.
All my ducks are in a row, it's just a matter of how long they will stay there.
I'm nervous about people believing Andrew and myself did not orchestrate this together.
It's right out in everyone's face, if they honestly think this backdoor wasn't planned between myself and Andrew it will be a very easy ride to the finals. I'm looking back on my cover ups with Dixie/Krystal and my cover up with Rory and AJ. To me it looks really silly, and I really hope they are all buying the fact that me/Rory are aligned instead of Andrew/myself.
Maybe I just feel it's so obvious because I'm the one behind this plan.
MFlounderin (8:43:25 PM): so I came to a decision and you'll hate it, but I believe you will stay with the votes and hope that's just as good.
"AJ" is available (9:00:53 PM) "AJ" (9:01:02 PM): I don't know, man "AJ" (9:01:11 PM): I really don't think I'll have the votes to stay "AJ" (9:01:37 PM): wait, what? "AJ" (9:01:43 PM): why Rory?
MFlounderin (9:02:40 PM): I think you would have gone against him, and I feel the consequences of saving you would screw my game. This is the best shot for you to stay I believe
"AJ" (9:03:14 PM): you'll forgive me for saying the best shot of me staying is for me to not even be on the block. Well, barring you knowing something I don't "AJ" (9:05:01 PM): though I admittedly don't understand it
MFlounderin (9:05:28 PM): I think Talla will go up, and theres a better shot for you to stay that way MFlounderin (9:05:41 PM): I'll be back in a bit
"AJ" (9:06:08 PM): I dunno man, I don't think he'd put up Talla "AJ" (9:07:21 PM): I respect your decision, but I kinda think you're gambling "AJ" (9:08:57 PM): I'll be back later tohugh. cyas
Really? That seems like a blatant cover up, bless little AJ's heart if he actually believes it.