crazyyyyy. but i can see andrew's point of view honestly. when i read AJs DR, i was thinking it was weird that he would suggest Andrew go after Talla and them when he clearly knows that andrew and ryan have been feuding for so long. doesnt he realize how it comes off?!
I'm just like wat tho since AJ is not an enemy lol but oh well It will be a lesson that AJ hopefully will learn next time he plays BB Just as long as Liza doesn't go up then it's all good Estelle and Liza are gonna be confused cuz wasn't Stella tryna make Estelle/AJ/Andrew/Liza happen?
I'm back in the Andrew's playing a bad game boat. Even if Aj was pushy, him and Andrew have been close all game. I hope Liza wins veto and saves Aj, just to see what happens.
I agree! It's a bad move, even though I understand Andrew ditching him. His best way to have done that would have been to jump ships as it relates to alliances, but not put him up... That's awful!!
I don't want Liza to win it cuz I don't want Ryan nominated.
omg i know. i went to get the "rules" from RnF2 and i reminded me of how badly kat and i wanted to do this veto, lol. im glad we get to do it this season though. God, i hope talla signs on to actually participate in the voting o.O
I hate this week lol apparently pov might be used on Rory and Liza will go up. Smh My love for Andrew has gone down a lot. Estelle said apparently a new F3 consisting of her/Andrew/Ryan
Even tho it's smart for him to put up Liza since he burnt that bridge by putting up AJ, he's a backstabber lol.